The use of 2D traditional method, is on the decline in this modern and computer age because it is a direct sale as introduction of a product without a full display of it's functions such as the total breakdown of various functions of the product, it's work ability, structure and component display with bit by bit break down of the functios, parts and it's design.
The first and most obvious difference between these two methods of marketing is the means of distribution.
The 2D traditional marketing uses the following mediums
a. News papers and magazine advertisement
b. Billboard and signs
c. Direct mail advert, brochures, fliers e.t.c.
d. Word of mouth or verbal explanation.
While the video content marketing uses an entirely different distribution channel.
a. Social media with 92% of marketers using this tactics, the others are:
b. Website articles
c. Blog posts
d. Infographis
e. Videos, podcasts, and webinars.
2D traditional marketing is less used because it advertises or promoters a product without the audience seeing the products real functionality, but a video content system uses computers generated animation or images which creates a make believe functional quality of the product thereby captivating the interest of the audience. This is because the mind of the viewers could be swayed to believe that the product is not just a luxury but a necessity.
The 2D traditional method seeks out the demographic audience in an attempt to persuade them to make a purchase but it provides little or no value in return. But in video content marketing strategy, you are publishing materials that your targeted audience finds interesting or useful, this approach provides value to your audience making them comeback for more services.
The 2D traditional marketing is one-sided because it is less interactive but the video content is very interactive, thanks to the nature of the internet which provides an opportunity to dialogue with your customers or potential customers.
The video content marketing converts more customers. Recent research shows that 71% of marketers say "video conversion rates outperform others marketing content". It brings about greater optimisation opportunities because there is feedback which means you know what is working and what is not.
In conclusion, video content creates a viewer friendly avenue to evaluate a product via mediums like PC, phones etc. making it easily accessible. We are in a digital world, so let's roll with it!!!